<i>Poetry for Peace</i> recitation event held at Bishwo Shahitto Kendro
ঢাকা ট্রিবিউন
প্রকাশিত: ৩১ আগস্ট ২০১৯, ১৯:০৩
The youngest poet among them all, Nazmun Naher Shishir, recited her own poem, titled Dhaka. It was a stream of consciousness style poem, and it could very well serve as a monologue for all women residents of Dhaka, who loves this city but at the same time, finds it unbearable due to the pervasive and toxic rape culture
- ট্যাগ:
- বিনোদন
- বিশ্ব সাহিত্য কেন্দ্র
- ঢাকা