Will the metro rail solve Dhaka’s traffic apocalypse?
ডেইলি স্টার
প্রকাশিত: ০৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৯, ০০:০০
Hope is high that when Metro Rail Transit (MRT) finally arrives in Dhaka, the capital city’s legendary traffic congestion will ease off. Near Bijoy Sarani or in Mirpur or other places, where the construction of MRT is underway, attractive signposts proclaim: “The dream of MRT will soon become a reality in Dhaka,” “MRT will be the most time-saving way of getting around,” “MRT will be the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable mode of transportation,” and “With MRT school children will be able to reach their schools on time.” All of these statements are true.
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