Shirin Shila’s Dukkhobilasi available at bookshops
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প্রকাশিত: ২৬ নভেম্বর ২০২১, ২২:৪০
Shirin Shila Aspiring writer Shirin Shila’s novel titled Dukkhobilasi is now available on different online platforms. The novel, which was published by Darikoma Prokashoni, gives readers a glimpse into different contemporary issues along with the struggles of women in society. Sagar Ahmed is the cover artist of the novel. ‘Dukkhobilasi is my debut novel. The central character of the novel is a woman. The novel follows her journey and portrays her likes, dislikes, emotions, married life and more. Besides, it highlights the social position of men and women,’ Shirin Shila told New Age.
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